Thursday, June 19, 2008

Carys is now a month old....I can't believe how fast time goes! I'll have to go back to work soon and I am so dreading it! I can't wait to be a SAHM.....sigh.....someday.

Anyway Carys is doing great! The kids are all out of school now so it's a crazy household with my 3 and my neice and nephew.....lots of drama! They are all doing good with Carys, Kaitlyn is a great helper as I knew she would. Abby is even doing a lot, when she doesn't have her own agenda anyway, but that's Abby, she does just what she wants and that's it, strong willed girl! I am loving having my 3 girls. I'm even already planning the next baby, granted not anytime soon, I want Carys to get to be the baby for a couple years! I love being a mom so much, it helps having a wonderfully supportive husband who even lets me sleep in some mornings!

Stress is high right now....but life is good.....