Friday, February 29, 2008


So we went to the doc. today for my 28wk appt. All is well until he measures me, i'm measuring at 33wks! So now we go back on monday to have an ultrasound to see how big Carys is. I'm excited to get to see her again, though not thrilled at the thought of having a huge baby! The doc said this baby would be more like my first, Kaitlyn was 8lbs 6oz, Abby was 7lbs 7oz. He also assured me that I would probably tear again....but then said even if she's 9lbs I should still be able to push her out in like 20 mins....gotta love the male docs! A women would know not to talk about pushing out a huge baby that tears you open! Oh well....guess I'll know more in a few days!