Saturday, December 1, 2007

1 week

1 more week and my husbands family will be here....we're doing a Christmas thing at our house, talk about drama. Some won't come cause they can't afford to buy presents and don't want "put themselves in that situation", they also won't accept gifts for their kids!?!? We don't buy gifts for the adults, just his neices and nephews, their are 6 of them all together, 3 of them belong to one who won't come. I feel like I should buy them gifts anyway cause what if last minute they come and I have nothing for them? Then there's his dad, who buys nothing for any of his grandkids but this year is bringing his girlfriend and her 2 grandkids who she has custody of and who are the ages of the other kids, so now I feel like I should get them presents. This is the 2nd year we've done this, I started it last year, which was the first Christmas we were officially together. We spent a ton of money last year and while everyone loved it no one brought anything, to eat or drink or otherwise, we had to provide all. I refuse to do that again so I actually sent out invitations saying it's a potluck so bring a dish and whatever you want to drink. One huge difference for me this year is that i'm pregnant, so therefore I can't get drunk before they come like I did last year (my girls weren't here for it last year either) so that sucks! God grant me the serenity.....

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Christmas Lists

I usually have all my shopping done by now, in fact i'm kinda frantic that I still have lots to get. I do have all the neices and nephews done, 8 in all, so that's good. I got Scott done, we're not exchanging presents with sibilings, so i'm good to go there. I have to even out the girls, Kaitlyn is so much easier to shop for than Abby. Kaitlyn is so opinionated that there is no guess work as to what she would like, Abby could care less about material stuff, which is wonderful, except when it comes to buying gifts. I'm so anti toy this year that it makes it more difficult. There bedroom and my entire full basement is filled with toys that are very rarely played with, i'm so over it. Now I have to get this girls to make lists for Scotts brother, which is very nice he wants to buy them stuff, but now we have to do lists and they always put toys on them. Oh well Merry Christmas....