Saturday, October 10, 2009

Boo! It's almost Halloween! I LOVE Halloween!! Kaitlyn and Abby are going to be witches and Carys is going to be their little black cat!!

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Wow, haven't been updating this at all, not that it matters as I have no followers.....someday when I actually have time for this i'll add links in some places, for now it's all for my own ramblings.

Life is still crazy, however on a positive note my neice and nephew will be going back to their moms after living with me for a'll be great to get my house back to normal.

Carys is 10 months old and crawlin like crazy now! Kaitlyn and Abby adore her and are so good with her, though Abby can be a bit rough. I love love love being a girl mom!